I wander around the city and its escapes, discovering the experiences that are worthwhile in a world full of noise.
As a curator of the best of Portugal and sometimes as a World traveller, with more than twenty years of articles published, in the national and international press, and also as an TV Show. author, this is my digital magazine, where I present my curated collection of exquisite life experiences.

Sancha Trindade

Temporada III a caminho

A Cidade na ponta dos dedos 39 l sancha Trindade

A Cidade na ponta dos dedos já está a gravar a Tempoada III. Aqui deixo o video promo até início de Maio. Até já. :-)

Promo ‘A Cidade na ponta dos dedos ‘Temporada III from Sancha Trindade on Vimeo.