I wander around the city and its escapes, discovering the experiences that are worthwhile in a world full of noise.
As a curator of the best of Portugal and sometimes as a World traveller, with more than twenty years of articles published, in the national and international press, and also as an TV Show. author, this is my digital magazine, where I present my curated collection of exquisite life experiences.

Sancha Trindade

‘plataforma Atlântica como lhe chama’ diz a Attitude

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Sancha Trindade é a autora desta “plataforma Atlântica” como lhe chama, e onde divulga o que de mais entusiasmante acontece, nas mais diversas áreas, em Lisboa, no Porto, e um pouco por todo o país e pelo mundo. Recentemente adaptado ao formato televisivo em vários episódios transmitidos pelo Canal 180 e Económico TV, este site revela-se ser um aliciante convite a redescobrir a nossa própria cidade e, claro, muitas outras, apresentando-nos as últimas novidades e tendências sobre uma infinidade de temas como eventos, festas, hotéis, restaurantes, cafés, lojas, entre outros, que dificilmente passarão despercebidos ao curioso olhar de Sancha.

Sancha Trindade is the author of this “Atlantic platform”, as she refers to it and where she promotes the most exciting events taking place in a wide variety of areas, in Lisbon and Porto, as well as around the rest of the country and the world. Recently adapted for television format and broadcasted by Canal 180 and Económico TV, this site offers us a tempting invitation to rediscover our own city and, of course, many others, by presenting the latest novelties and trends on a infinite variety of themes, such as events, festivals, hotels, restaurants, cafés, shops among the many other things which Sancha casts her roving and curious eye over.