I wander around the city and its escapes, discovering the experiences that are worthwhile in a world full of noise.
As a curator of the best of Portugal and sometimes as a World traveller, with more than twenty years of articles published, in the national and international press, and also as an TV Show Author, this is my digital magazine, where I present a curated travel collection of exquisite life experiences.

Sancha Trindade

Lisbon Luxury Summit

Vem aí o Eco Lisbon Luxury Summit –  coordenado pelo jornal Eco e pela Luxulting de Helena Amaral Neto, um nome marcante no tema do luxo em Portugal. Esta será a primeira conferência ‘made in Portugal’ dedicada ao Luxo. A primeira edição é já no dia 24 Maio, próxima quinta feira, com o tema “Futuro do Luxo: digital ou in Store?”.

The Eco Lisbon Luxury Summit – coordinated by the newspaper Eco and Luxulting by Helena Amaral Neto, a landmark name in the theme of luxury in Portugal – The first conference ‘made in Portugal’ dedicated to Luxury. The first edition is already on May 24, next Thursday, with the theme “Future of Luxury: digital or in Store?”.


Se Coco Chanel fosse viva perguntaria ‘Como vender e comunicar o luxo na era digital?’ A pergunta não tem resposta pronta porque o setor do luxo sempre viveu da experiência física das marcas, em loja. No entanto, com a transformação digital, são cada vez menos as marcas que conseguem ignorar todas as mudanças. As lojas físicas, onde o cliente pode tocar nos produtos e entrar em contacto com a marca, passaram a ser rapidamente complementadas por plataformas digitais mas a experiência altera-se. Omnicanal é a nova buzzword no retalho, e no luxo é um enorme desafio, defendem os especialistas.

If Coco Chanel were alive she would ask ‘How to sell and communicate luxury in the digital age?’ The question has no ready answer because the luxury sector has always lived from the physical experience of the brands, in store. However, with digital transformation, fewer and fewer brands are able to ignore all changes. The physical stores, where the customer can touch the products and get in touch with the brand, are quickly complemented by digital platforms but the experience changes. Omnicanal is the new buzzword in retail, and in luxury it’s a huge challenge, experts argue.


Com oradores de referência o Lisbon Luxury Summit vai partilhar as suas visões sobre como vender e comunicar o luxo na era digital, e a importância do luxo em Portugal.

No primeiro painel “Digital Luxury” nomes como Nuno Oliveira da Via OutletsJoão Miranda de Sousa da GarriguesOlivier Rasch da L’Oréal, Fernanda Marantes da Havas Media Group, e Nuno Ribeiro da Fabernovel.

No segundo painel, “Portugal na Rota do Luxo”, vamos ouvir as empresas e marcas Portuguesas que se posicionam no segmento alto, e contamos com Rui Sanches da Multifood Group S.AFilipe Lourenço da Private Luxury Real Estate, João Vasconcelos da Clearwater, Gilberto Jordan do Grupo Andre Jordan, e Jose Tiago Silva da Explorer Investments.

Veja o programa completo aqui e junte-se ao debate. Pode inscrever-se na Lisbon Luxury Summit aqui. A conferência realiza-se a 24 de maio, esta quinta-feira, no Altis Belém Hotel & Spa, a partir das 9h. Vai ser um luxo!

With reference speakers, the Lisbon Luxury Summit will share its visions on how to sell and communicate luxury in the digital age, and the importance of luxury in Portugal.

In the first panel “Digital Luxury” names such as Nuno Oliveira from Via OutletsJoão Miranda de Sousa from GarriguesOlivier Rasch from L’Oréal, Fernanda Marantes from Havas Media Group, and Nuno Ribeiro from Fabernovel.

In the second panel, “Portugal on the Luxury Route”, we will listen to the Portuguese companies and brands that are positioned in the high segment, and we have Rui Sanches from  Multifood Group S.AFilipe Lourenço from Private Luxury Real Estate, João Vasconcelos from Clearwater, Gilberto Jordan from Grupo Andre Jordan, and Jose Tiago Silva from Explorer Investments

See the full program here and join the discussion. You can sign up for the Lisbon Luxury Summit here. The conference will be held on May 24, next Thursday, at Altis Belém Hotel & Spa, starting at 9am. It will be a luxury!
